
That is plunked up. But typical of motherplunken EA. Plunk those guys.

They’re all funny and I don’t care what anybody else thinks.

It was solid in doubles, too. Priority Tailwind on something with strong offense is just too good.

Ah yes, my favorite gen 6 pokemon. The bravest of birds. I think gen 6 was the point where gamefreak decided that they were going to try and make every pokemon useful somewhere, and even though that definitely made that generation accidentally too easy, I appreciated that there weren’t any truly worthless pokemon

Hate to break it to you, but most long-term goals in games like the one you described are specifically designed to require you to play the game in a way that is the opposite of how it’s meant to be played (hence making it artificially more difficult). You're not supposed to use every weapon like this, hence why it's a

Yep. The whole concept of “I don’t want to fight against someone my level because it takes more effort so SBMM is bad.” is the dumbest most self-serving argument these people make. Like I give a shit. I’m not great. I used to play competitive games a lot more and these days I don’t, I’m old and rusty and the last

I know it’s not the same situation but to me this reminds me of streamers who go into Warzone or Valorant or whatever with a ‘god squad’ and talk shit to or about players they run into and kill but will whine about “sweaty kids” when they lose an engagement or match. Fortnite was the worst with 20-30 year olds who

I’ve argued this point of ages as well and the amount of animosity it brings out of people. I got blocked by some butt-hurt dude today because I asked him why he was so angry at me for not wanting to have my ass handed to me every match by people I can’t compete with.

‘the game is only fun for me if I can tell myself I’m making it not fun for someone else’.

To me this sounds like a lot of streamers are mad that they will have to find a normal job.

I’m sure I’m being uncharitable, but it’s hard for me to read ‘I’m a high skill player who hates the idea of skill-based matchmaking’ as anything other than ‘the game is only fun for me if I can tell myself I’m making it not fun for someone else’.

Everyone here would prefer Discord to this shit.

You clearly don’t get the point of the article, they are fundamentally different means of communication. Kinja sucks, but that’s because it’s buggy and actively designed in such a way to discourage proper communication and encourage clicks and ads, the concept is still solid. If I’m reading an article, do you expect

Oh my god, yes. Whenever I’m stuck in a game and do a google search, 90% of the time I find what I’m looking for in the gamefaqs forums. I can’t imagine going to Discord for help with anything. 

Look, I’m an avid Discord user, currently very active in one unofficial fan server (it’s a decent size, but split up enough and full of enough lurkers it’s not too busy) and periodically checking in on a couple more when I’m interested. They can be great!

I’ve moderated forums in the past and now I actually run an organization’s social media as part of my job, and indeed the differences between a forum and virtually anything else social media-driven cannot be stated enough.

Where is your petition, because I am signing it with both hands !

Now playing

Forums aren’t the same though. They’re nothing like it. Forums are more deliberate, more considered, and while they’re far from perfect—I’m sure you can post a billion examples of people being neither deliberate or considered on forums—the point is that they’re more permanent.

This is why I still use gamefaqs. The place is an absolute shit hole, but one of the only actual general gaming forums that still exists. I feel like traditional forums have the exact right amount of accountability, where people can see who are and learn who to steer clear of but you can’t get downvoted into oblivion

The same goes for sites killing their comment sections and kicking everyone to social media while proclaiming how much they value communication. 1) No you don’t to add extra hoops so stop lying. 2) Not everyone has (or wants) a social media account in order to communicate with other readers. 3) Why does not a single