
One thing Jason touched on in his original article that wasn’t recapped here:

Tragic that this Pokemon cannot learn the move U-Turn and thus has ruined my “bang a youie” joke.

I’ve been older than 18 online since I was 11. Virus-free? Me or my computer?

I don’t understand how games like this are even possible. Hope it can do even half of what it’s aiming for.


I absolutely *adore* the big castle. New phone wallpaper!

It only took 20 years!

A lot of the top players are Gen Z at this point. Competitive melee also looks nothing like the Melee you played as a kid. And I have trouble calling it nostalgia because the Melee scene never really died. Competitively it’s been active from around 2005 to now, with a slowdown around 2008-2010 when Brawl came out. In

Please preface that. Not everyone read leaks.

Longer version of the same take:

Oh fuck this

I disagree. Just re-read it. He gives 1 (one) institutionally corrupt example, which is the Catholic Church. The other examples are men and poor people, who are not institutions. The church is voluntary and is not forced upon citizens like police are. Frankly, there isn’t much comparison for the current American

Lots of people big mad at you for calling out their Fun Time Cop Show. Non-ironic uses of snowflake (from people themselves who appear very triggered...). Rough scene.

why are you here

That job shouldn’t be handled by a cop. Next.

You’re missing the point of ACAB - as the policing system currently stands, it is impossible for a cop to be good, regardless of their personal intentions. That’s clear in the article given examples of these “good cops” using illegal methods to “protect their communities.” The way policing in this country is

Growing up is finding out the Guinness Book of World Records actually sucks.

Dunsparce is 100% the Pokémon I was saddest to see cut.

Yeah, let’s compare the full-length RPG to an on-rails photography game, that's totally fair.

You never have time to put everything you want to in the game.