Max Cherry

I’m not even reading this because I don’t want to spoil the book. I don’t agree with everything Norm says, but he just reminds me of the funnymen I grew up around.


I don’t know about awesome. But I’ll spot you that I didn’t even go to college.

Maybe they decided that anyone sending you to Rutgers is nothing to brag about.

I would contend that neither the AD or the students qualify as adults.

Well, I didn’t hear anything like that. From what I understand, he just never has women around, isn’t known to have relationships, with women, or with men for that matter. He lives a pretty solitary life.

Al Davis was an asshole, just not the kind of asshole that today’s Wall Street owners are. Al was old school and cagey, and kept himself as his own GM for way too long, making the Raiders the laughing stock of the NFL. What he did to Marcus Allen is inexcusable. He tried to ruin his career. He also basically stole

He gets laid more than you.

Right wingers feel differently about white males on the government payroll than they do about women and minorities.

This is the backfire of great motion pictures. Jack Nicholson was so damned good as the villainous marine colonel that an entire generation of douches, raised on a steady diet of jingoistic military films like Top Gun and awful hairspray metal, now idolize him. It should burst their bubble that Colonel Jessup is a

They said the same thing about Kellyanne Conway. And, for a brief moment, Trump was reserved. He’s already gone back to crazy. You said it. Trump is Trump. He can’t help himself.

[bait’s settled, you refresh browser, and refresh browser, and refresh browser...]

Trump is not used to taking someone’s shit face to face. He’ll have nowhere to run. He’ll have to respond, and everyone will be watching to see how he conducts himself. I’m predicting a total Trump trainwreck half way into the first debate.

“Family unit” is code for “manly man in the house who guides ditsy wife through this whole parenting thing...”.

Not trolling. Seriously offering a solution. Become white. How hard is it?

I wouldn’t have been surprised if Atlanta had did this to the Raiders last week.

A happy workplace is a productive workplace.

Yeah, Ventura’s a dirty player.
