I agree, and, I think you have me pegged for the wrong side of this debate.
I agree, and, I think you have me pegged for the wrong side of this debate.
I think I get your point. No.... I don’t. What is it?
It’s like a penalty kick slicing directly sideways and the kicker doing one of those motivational claps as if it’s “okay”, but it’s not.
You’re right. The statement is much more profound and effective if done on the national team.
The brass of America’s pussiest sport overcompensating with a grandiose hard line on patriotism.
Oh, come on, you make it sound like a white guy could rape a passed out girl by a trash dumpster, blame it on alcohol, plead to the judge that he couldn’t handle real prison, and the judge would let him walk.
For those who don’t like to see the modern day sports culture being linked to crimes against women, this is going to be the ghost that keeps haunting from this story:
Oh, really? By all means, keep reminding everyone that they’re responsible for their own community’s policy choices, or something. I’m sure you haven’t quite gotten the point across yet.
You try telling my 3 year old nephew that dinosaurs suck. He’ll hit you in the knee cap with his whiffle ball bat.
Ugh. I hate these discussions about what is or isn’t a “real” city, because I know the topic of Sacramento’s coming. To quote Chris Rock, “that train’s never late”.
You poor thing. You’re just surrounded by all of these ungrateful peasants that just want more and more and more, and it’s coming out of your tax dollars. God willing Donald Trump will win and napalm all of these valleys of beggars into oblivion, right?
It’s like the rich, gated communities that want to hire the cheapest security possible to save money. Then they complain when their houses are being broken into, and they suspect the security was in collusion. You’ve gotta take care of the people that take care of you. Shit, even mobsters understood that.
Silicon Valley is *not* going to build more, though, because the people who live in Silicon Valley don’t want more, and we have a system where people who live in a place have some say over what happens in that place.
I didn’t need to go down that Why The Fuck You Lyin’ rabbit hole on vine. Thanks for hyperlinking...
Eminem and the Beastie Boys were played on rock radio, too. Next you’re going to tell me they’re rock. Rock radio has always had a racist policy of playing rap music by white artists. Alt rock stations in the ‘90s were playing Eminem songs that had absolutely no characteristics of rock, other than a white performer.
Cowboy was his breakout hit. Despite the title and the western cowboy theme, It’s a rap song. He gained his fame on the back of hip hop. So, his whole redneck, right wing, wannabe confederate thing as of day is kind of shitty.
When an NFL football player with the twitter handle “Mad Max” tweets that you pissed him off, and he means it, you know shit’s about to get real.
Kid Rock befriending drunk rednecks like Hank Williams Jr. and waiving a confederate flag around is such a sweet thank you to the hip hop community that made him famous.
Losing to the Raiders week 1 at home is bleak, alright, and I’m a Raider fan.
I honestly think it’s the death rattle of white supremacy. Reactionary white men have been very stupid for a very long time, but their white privilege has given them leverage as some sort of father-knows-best guru on all things every fucking thing. This is what convinced them that sample sizing a few lines from one of…