Max Cherry

I have a feeling the next generation of adults are going to the most polite, civic minded ever.

Yeah, I think I’m going to run on the field at the next NFL game I go to. Why? Because I read this article. Oh, and don’t ever show footage during a game of someone on the field, because I’ll go to a game within the next week and do it. If life were as easy as doing things you see on tv, I’d be Ron Jeremy.

Just in NorCal.

to quote Danny McBride, “Kung Fu dojos and tanning salons”.

Ugh. What is it with white guys constantly invoking MLK to criticize protests? They must think that when MLK wasn’t walking around reciting the “I Have a Dream” speech, he was kissing white people on the cheek and apologizing for Malcom X’s militancy. Their fucking heads would spin if they listened to all of MLK’s

Billy Joel never warned anyone about anything. He just told stories. Allentown was but one of them. I would submit Gladys Knight and Arlo Guthrie warned us about the trains, though.

Trent Dilfer’s singular highlight as an NFL QB is pump faking Anthony Dorsett Jr.

I pledge allegiance, to the bond, which unites us around saluting the flag of the United States of America....

Just...”allegiance...to a bond”?!?

AAFCU is a membership-based organization who has proudly served the military community for over 60 years.

The Raiders had to actually rearrange their offensive line when McCants went down because there wasn’t enough active tackles. Saints could have taken advantage of that.

This has been quite a cardiac stress test for us Raider fans. We are not used to winning these games.


I’m sure just “fisted” would have gotten the point across. Settle down.

You’re still here? Go be “above” them, and above me, for that matter. Bye.

Everyone is okay with the DA throwing the book at this sick animal. What is your problem? Why do you enable violent, dangerous animals like him?

Empty slogan in these times. Stay out of the way.

How are we better than anything if we’re losing the websites that take on the forces that make life miserable for us, and give us the open forum to express our opinions with little moderation? If I have to sink to someone’s level to save something good, so be it. Sometimes the fight just gets dirty and you have no

The right wingers constantly scream about the 1st amendment whenever a private outlet moderates their content, so why shouldn’t the rest of us? Cat’s out of the bag. This is the way the game is played now, so might as well play it.

Nobody cares that the DA is throwing the book at him. Nobody. Except for maybe his dumb, naive parents, and a few of his douche friends. Are you really so much of an enabler of violent animals like this that you actually take issue with a DA making sure he gets buried under the jail? Because if so, you are part of the