
Kinja being weird for anyone else? I can’t see the video embed, it’s just a large blank space in the middle of the page.

Depressing to hear yet another 1980s icon has passed away.

+1 for mentioning The Hitcher. He was great in it.

Blind Fury too

I loved him in Ladyhawke more than Blade Runner. And he was truly terrifying in The Hitcher.

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

Put it on and watched the first 5 minutes ....its UNWATCHABLE .

Of course the Butterfly Effect is real!

About how I feel about the switch to Survey Monkey...

i think the russian assassin WAS the terminator reference?

But if everyone reclines, everyone still has the same amount of space. Plus they are more comfortable.

Your mistake is in thinking that the OP meant just one LS1.  There’s room for probably 2 dozen of them in that bus. 

The best part about buying your own bus is that you can piss yourself and smear poop on the seats and NO ONE WILL HAUL YOU OFF IN HANDCUFFS!

Lt. Reid needs to drink some fucking bleach and end it. 

I had some idea that something like this would inevitably happen after that draconian law was passed, but I’m still horrified to have that suspicion confirmed. Fuck you, Alabama.

Lady in the Water might be one of the worst movies I’ve seen in theaters, and I’ve watched a LOT of movies. I’d put it up there with Spawn and that one where Will Ferrell coached a soccer team.

I knew a woman who was hanging on by her fingernails after the trifecta of divorce, illness then foreclosure.


Easy fix if you’ve got a roll of chicken wire laying around: