
Everything I’ve learned—from my well-worn colloquialisms to my appreciation for classical music—I gained from watching Bugs Bunny cartoons.

Functional you say? Beautiful? Validated in a wind tunnel? Sir, I give you sartorial spoilage

saab 900 turbo 3-door 5-speed with 110k for $2,500 = instant NP

My nipples explode with delight.

LOL! Well with no accents it is pretty impossible to determine my attempted phrasing (which is probably wrong).

Dui. Definitely possible, though Chinese cities in general are pretty well kept up due to the legions of manual street sweepers. Sure, they have pollution issues, but it’s super rare to see trash on the road.

Literally LOL’d. Well played.


Wo bu shuo ban dan! Ta de ban dan. Bu yao zhe me jian. :P

Ni shi da ben dan.

Go figure.

Great period photos and history can be found here.

Indeed. Good wood at Goodwood.

Picture of your “Friend”.

Model X autopilot would like you to know:

I must say, these articles have made me even more cautious about using Autopilot now. Not because I’m scared of the system, but because I don’t want my goddamn name and what I was doing while driving plastered all across the interwebs.

Ugh. I live in Indiana and all I can say is FUUUUUCK Mike Pence.

I had to bail out of this video. I have faithfully watched every single video up until this one, but the voice was just too annoying this time. I miss Harold Slovinski.

That is one ugly motherfu#*er