
I read the book when it first came out, so I had blissfully forgotten a number of plot details. So I enjoyed the hell out of the movie. :)

Get somebody who works for somebody you know. My sister referred her cleaners to me.

Next year?! Good thing I have Blacklist for now.

I feel that, but I also think that you’re coming from the perspective of preferring a miniseries. Which I get. But this movie was, I think, about as good as we were gonna get in a two-hour film. I liked it a lot.

(Spoilers) Yeah lots of issues since I read the book first. The whole Vincent/Venkat thing to start and at least one of two really important scenes from the book not in the movie: crashing the rover and trailer and/or the sand storm. I think they should have included the sand storm and how he figured his way out of

I feel the same way. I had only finished the book a few weeks ago and the movie was a big disappointment. It didn’t have enough Mark Watney. It needed scenes like this one where we get to hang out with the guy.

Maybe this can fix a fundamentally flawed (in comparison to the book) movie.

Maybe they will give it the Blade Runner treatment and put out a new version with an extra 17 seconds of footage every few years.

Be firm? If he’s doing something right (cleaning) the wrong way (trying to do the windows with a brillo pad) take away the offending materials and replace them with the right ones, show him how to use them, watch him use them and correct any mistakes he’s making, praise him for completing the job successfully.

This former karate student says I AM SO EXCITE. More martial arts on TV is always a good thing.

Now I might have to watch the Spader era Office, if only because I’ll imagine his character as a sarcastic killer robot.

If you want to get a better overview over rosettas orbital maneuvers you can take a look at a small web app i wrote to visualize the publically available trajectory data :) (have to update it though to include most current stuff)

I call Bullshit on that. Brisco knows what’s up.

Now playing

This stuff is so funny. Reminds me of The Vader Sessions.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to help someone learn to clean? Mr. Minkoff legitimately does not understand how to do it. Like, at all. He will eschew the mop and use a handbruch meant for the shower to do the kitchen floor, uses the wrong products for the wrong jobs, etc. — and then gets frustrated when his

I think “stop reading articles about cleaning tips & do the bloody house work” needs to be number 1 with a bullet on my list. I’m forever seeking out new, interesting tips on how to reinvent the cleaning wheel & putting off doing the actual cleaning.

$65 every two weeks and they move through the place like a tornado. Two thumbs up.

11. Adderall

I can’t stress enough how wonderful it is to hire house cleaners.

Get high, put on some good music and go to town.