
would a rotary engine swap work?

Friends doesn’t stand up well to the test of time.

Time. Place. Circumstance.

Air drop a flock of Emus?

knuckle white?

no. just no.

fuckgly grill yo

Outland. And Io’s gravity was not depicted in any realistic way.

Just park it anywhere...

Ravenous: Simply for Michael Nyman’s score (The Piano, The Cook, the Thief..., Gattaca)

then there’s these two dingusdoggo outliers with no perceptible gray matter whatsoever.

I’m disappointed they didn’t put a plaid wrap on it.

dog’s breakfast after eating the barf thrown up after grazing the litterbox.

Medicine is for wimps. The proper mixture of Windex, Tussin and duct tape can cure leukemia.

Even The Joker is afraid of the IRS.

A voice we need, not necessarily one we deserve.

Even though she gave me crabs, I still wouldn’t wish this bug on that sorority girl I hooked up with at Daytona.

there’s always going to be about a 6% joker vote even on the most obvious poll.  “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” audience response illustrated this pretty well.

So that’s where I parked it.