
I need to see Krypto sic balls John Wick style


Thank you for so much entertainment, Rutger.

“how quaint”

So, what about that new Corvette?

Tracy is only mad because he bought 6 of them

That’s my new dogmobile.  NP

Made it to first post-class meeting with purple haired girl. Watched some UFO instead.

Con(un)stable Bob.  What the actual eff did I just see?

There will be a hamberder buffet afterwards.

didn’t even read

I’m too busy doing laundry in the lavatory and using my seat for drying my skivvies.

otherwise known as the #6 train during rush hour.

I like the cut of your jib.

Now playing

just add an LS1 swap and challenge accepted.

I coulda been a contendah...

I saw “Boxing Helena” in a theater.  It gave everyone PTSD.

$48.4? I’ll take 2

This doesn’t emerge from a vacuum.  There’s plenty of blame to go around, namely colleagues and command who tolerate this garbage.