
did they sew her eyes back on the wrong side?

Crazyass Croc don’t give a shit. It eats all the Michigan Avenue. Eww

agree about having a 3rd choice. something like: Only if you’re a collector.

8th grade, my parents had just gotten divorced, my dad leaves for work hours before I have to be at school via the yellow chariot surrounded by window lickers.

drop a VQ30DE in there for shiggles. 

switch the comma to a period on the price, and I’ll be right over

I am an assertive driver, not an aggressive one. I try to think what every idiot on the road is going to do, and let them have room to be stupid.

This. A thousand times this.

Would someone please call the night nurse - I think my dad broke into the day room and is posting again.

absolutely nothing bothers me

~10 years judo here. Ruh na Wei is best defense if possible. Ruhnem Over works for me too. 

neutering is for dogs and cats, not for cars.

padlock in a sock.

you still hang out with people? that’s odd

this. so much this

they’re still HAARPing on about this stuff?

I’m thinking that this might just be the perfectly weird rally beast. Just not at this price.

But think of the kids*... . You know, the ones like me who’d think that having a tank in the neighborhood is the coolest fucking thing in the world.

Neil deGrasse Tyson is number one.