
You're pretty dense. I'll make this as simple as possible. You associated the word with a single condition. You are wrong. I used the word "trigger" without mentioning a condition. Why? Because as you said yourself, it doesn't mention a particular condition. Why? Because the word "trigger" can be used as a general

One of the sources I gave you happens to be the largest, oldest, and most popular source of independent psychological resources on the internet. You seem to be confused; you are the only one "claiming" that the word "trigger" is linked to a specific condition. We've already covered why you are wrong. Furthermore, the

I'm going to have fun with this endearing little mess. Let's begin. Clearly you're so mentally challenged that you cannot google for yourself. I'm a kind person, so I'll do it for you. Here, and Here. All professionally reviewed sites. Since we're holding your hand here, it's worth pointing out that professionally

Association ≠ exclusivity. Looks like you need a crash course on the definition of a trigger within this context. For you, I'd recommend cyanide as a medication, as it's the only cure for your condition. Telling me you're not my friend is the opposite of patronization. Looks like you need to read up on that one too.

I had a feeling you had a mental disorder. Thanks for sharing, and sorry for triggering you. Don't forget your pills, friend.

Don't autism as autism. You're autistic.

Please be a joke post and not autism incarnate.

Lol, not gonna let that Yak shit go, huh? (I wouldn't either.)

This looks like it'd make an extremely lucrative, successful cafe in Japan. (Heck, it'd be successful anywhere)

Also, that fucking Chancey face at 1:43. Holy shit my sides.

"Majora's Mask is the exception; it is something I can enthuse about without fear of hyperbole."

This game is a little too realistic for my tastes.

I'm puzzled as to why people still don't seem to understand what Project Red is trying to say here.

"So is this a legitimately good offer or just a devious scheme to make The Witcher 3 seem more generous?"

Is this guy serious? It's pretty obvious what CD Project Red is trying to say here. They're saying that charging for "DLC" made during production is stupid and greedy. That message shouldn't be lost to anyone,

Dat Bobo da robo doe.

DLC and pre-release content as a whole has gotten way out of hand. Companies have realized that this is an easy way to milk the fanbase. The tragic part is that more humble companies that aren't trying to milk your shekels are also adopting the DLC garbage to stay competitive. This all sucks, but what's worse is when

The irony here is that your comment is pretty damn hilarious.

I almost feel sorry for McDonalds. Their PR is so bad that they need to get some idiot that made a tweet over there to show people it's not what they think it is. If you go to the McDonalds Youtube page, almost every single one of their videos has a massive dislike bar compared to the like bar. It's pretty much every

I agree. Woody is kind of a dick.

(Sorry, I had to)

For one, it's not even Patricia's theory. It's some guy on reddit. So calling some guy's theory on reddit stupid is by no means an issue here. Furthermore, whether your co-worker has some other opinion on it is completely irrelevant.