
Edit: WARNING: This is actually a seagate drive in a samsung shell. In warranty, you'll be going through Seagate's Customer service. (God have mercy on your soul.) Article should probably mention this. Still, for $100, if you get a good egg, you get a good egg.

Edit: WARNING: This is actually a seagate drive in a samsung shell. In warranty, you'll be going through Seagate's

I like how his impression of Morgan Freeman is a sassy gay black guy.

Pretty much nobody. Those that say they do probably don't.

Please stop.

That is a great deal, but Netflix isn't free.

That is a great deal, but Netflix isn't free.

Encountering the ReDead in the destroyed, depressing wasteland ruins of Hyrule Square after turning into adult link in the first game was one of the most terrifying moments of my childhood.

Also, remember this guy?

You're a fucking retard if you don't see the point of this article.
Hint: It has nothing to do with entitlement.

Also, lol @ your ignorant comparisons of low paid workers for net services in other countries as if that would offset prices that dramatically. You need talented people for most of the jobs required for

EA isn't Nintendo. It's pretty easy to see why people are like "Woah"

"even if putting a version of a masked serial killer against a sunlit beach backdrop robs the clip of its spookiness."

Yeah totes. Nothing says spooky like musical car horns. That serial killer totally ruined my immersion.

Looking forward to Persona 5 like mad. Not looking forward to no dual audio. (If P4AU is any testament, also don't anyone fucking dare start a sub vs. dub argument here)

I don't have a 3DS, thanks for reminding me I can't play Fantasy Life. :(

Btw, as for Persona Q, I'm really curious as to what kind of banter

"to ignore - ant"
Stopped reading right there.

Says the guy chain commenting on every post he doesn't like, calling everyone a fucking idiot. How ironic. Typical virgin whiteknight trying to talk aimless shit because you're too fucking autistic to function irl. I'm glad I make you sad. Maybe you'll act on your obvious severe depression and fuck off. Or maybe

"Oh shit, he put up an argument that pokes fun at hypocrisy! That is in conflict with my views! Better call him creepy. -phew- Crisis averted."

Oh great, then we're in agreement that she is playing the victim and fits the negative profile she outlines herself, as you claim it was a joke used to weed out douchebaggery.

"Also: lololol @ "This isn't about sexism, twat! Daddy issues! Reference to periods! GURLS ARE AWFUL! TRIGGER!" Were you playing Douchebag

"She doesn't claim the games are invalid by not including women, or even that they're bad as a result."

You seem out of touch with reality.

You were probably trying to be clever here, but that original post and every subsequent post employs the same douchebaggery I've been poking fun at this whole time. You just try to excuse it by masking it as a "joke".

Trying to "marginalize" douchebags by being a douchebag will only invite people to make fun of you.

"I have a dollar to vote with, and I want a fucking FPS with a lady!"

:') You're like the little engine that could, except with spaghetti everywhere.

Looooooool. This is too precious. You're trying to single out my mockery of you making the same exact type of comments about men earlier as if you're making some sort of a point? Well done! That takes a special kind of autism, friend. The graham cracker analogy was pretty easy to understand given the conversation

It's okay, you'll think of a counterargument eventually. Sorry for triggering you.