
It's great that he proposed and whatever, but.. during a speedrun in some stuffy little room? Lol. I don't care about how romantic it is or isn't or about the cringe,(that aftermath sure was awkward) that's not important here, but wouldn't there have been a cooler place to do it? I mean shit, if I was a

I can't tell if you're pretending to be autistic, or are autistic. My condolences on your condition.

It needs to be said that you cannot do anything against a DDoS attack besides shutting down the servers, and that's kind of what a DDoS is aimed at doing in the first place. Furthermore, they aren't hackers, as they are not hacking anything. More people need to understand what hacking is, as it's surprising how many

SAOII was good (and by good I mean horrible at first, then finished out alright), but looking at it as a whole, I can't say with a serious expression on my face that it was one of the best of 2014 just because the ending was a bit emotional. I guess if your palette is small and you aren't familiar with much else, it

And here I am, literally the only person left on earth without a 3DS. :(
Do you guys know what it's like to live in the stone age? DO YOU?

Looks like you went a little too far on that limb. Seems I need to elaborate for you since you ironically seem to think I have no idea what I'm talking about.

-I didn't say a budget didn't include man hours, or that it was some magical entity that creates games. It seems you're unable to see that it's implied, and have

Triple A developers have massive budgets, professional programmers galore, and yet we see hideous things like ACU. No, there are no first timers who are still learning how to code being lead programmers on big budget titles and no, nobody assumes they are seasoned vets... Typically, companies put people who have years

Another fun fact:
Ashley Johnson (Ellie) also voiced Gretchen Grundler in the cartoon Recess!

It doesn't matter whether or not it's a TV show. You still don't seem to understand that there is nothing wrong with comparing a method, A METHOD, of paying respects. They are not comparing the DEATH of the person to the anime. They are not paying their respects by making some comparison either(an important distinction

Let's break this down for you since you seem to be stuck in a corner here, and are grasping at straws in order to make me appear as an instigator looking to "win", while yourself instigating to begin with.

-You've made a parallel yourself, about how you've seen it all before,(it being nothing new) while condemning

And now I know that the root of the issue here is that you simply don't like SAO commenters, as expected. I'm not sure I see the problem with people making a parallel with something they've seen in a different media, be it either anime, or a video game(which you seem to excuse, having ironically made a similar

"I'm not trying to say "they did it before it was cool," or "way to finally catch up to the rest of us.""

Except that's exactly what you said, because noting that's it's been done before was unnecessary to your argument. Furthermore, to say it's degrading to point out a parallel is actually degrading to those who made

If they're guys, it's funny. If they're women, it's sexist.

Skyrim, Uncharted, The Last of Us, inFamous, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Dark Souls, and dozens of other single player or primarily single player franchises would like a word with you.

now your on guilt by association again, because some one who claim to be GG harass doesn't mean that GG is harassing some one or I for that matter support it.

Did you ever stop to think that he may have not said gamergame because he doesn't commit the fallacy of conflating harrasment and gamergate

Ahahahah. This is so cute. Look who's "going the whole 9 yards" now. Too precious. Btw, my original, super ignorant and tasteless comment has more "likes" than you. It's pretty adorable how you measure success by how many likes you get on the internet though. Don't forget to show your mom. She'll be super proud. For

Thanks. Your praise of my internet accomplishments on a gaming website mean a lot to me. I'm not sure how citing common sense articles to a retard spewing stuff out of his ass is dedicated, but I guess you're easy to please, which is good. You'll enjoy life that way.

I'm going to have fun with this endearing little mess. Let's begin. Clearly you're so mentally challenged that you cannot google for yourself. I'm a kind person, so I'll do it for you. Here, and Here. All professionally reviewed sites. Since we're holding your hand here, it's worth pointing out that professionally

Please be a joke post and not autism incarnate.