Roger Sterling's Lucky Strikes

Thanks, I was trying to remember the purpose of the robot. I figured there was a tie in with him and Ray Wise. Nice call.

Who did they retake the nation back from?

Episode 3 & 4 ***Spoilers!****

Somehow that was exactly what I expected and not what I expected at the same time. As suspected, the tone was closer to Fire Walk With Me than the series.

I can't overstate how bad the production (and artwork) is on that new Danzig. It sounds like he's singing karaoke.

Waxwork does an awesome job with their album artwork. This is no exception.

It would be fun to watch his hardcore supporters go into extreme denial mode as his lawyer tries to convince the court that he is just playing a part.

Too many to count, but if we are to go with the last 5 years, I would say The Maze Runner II or Batman V Superman. The only reason I didn't walk out on BvS is because I had a full beer. My daughter wanted to see Maze Runner II, so I couldn't leave. The problem with these movies is that they are so long and boring. I

I seem to remember them giving South of Heaven either 1 or 2 stars.

Fire was hated mostly because the series ended with several cliff-hangers. Fans thought the movie would tie up those loose ends. I saw it in the movies when it came out and don't remember being disappointed. I already knew it was a prequel of sorts. I'm looking forward to watching it again before the new season begins

So, no one thought Ralph Wrecks the Internet?

I wish AVClub would stop posting Trump stories. I didn't vote for Trump and since he's been in office I can't escape Trump. I want to escape Trump.

Can you launch an investigation to find out who watches Kevin Can Wait and Man with a Plan. I refer to these shows at the real-life versions of "Honey, Where's my Pants?"

Marduk, the most metal duck of all!

I would love to come to this entertainment site and not be reminded of the train wreck in the White House. There is no escape.

Trump seems to like guys who go around shirtless.

No Ward=No Sabbath. Bill Ward, that is. Sorry, I see that posted at every metal site that has a Black Sabbath article.

John Wick movies are a comic-booky celebrations of extreme violence. Also, the first movie has Theon Greyjoy playing a modern version of that same character. Good times!

You're right, I forgot that Hollywood is known for taking risks. The fact that they are making a movie that does not need to be made, a live action remake an anime classic, should clue you in about how risk-adverse they are in Hollywood.

Oh, the names! Jack Hyde, Anastasia Steele! Howlers!