Roger Sterling's Lucky Strikes

The reality is that Hollywood is not going spend millions of dollars on an action film that does not have a recognizable star. It's all about money.

I played that game on Commodore 128. Lots of floppy disk swapping, but it was totally worth it.

As a lifelong metal fan, I can't explain it. Metal has turned me off in the last few years because it seems to be getting more conservative. I've told a few friends that metal is becoming way to bearded and backwoodsy for my tastes. It wasn't always this way.

How about "Morons Abroad". We can send them to other countries and film it!

Yes, McAvoy is probably triplets or something like that. I'll have to see the movie to know if I'm right.

Lego Batman is surely the Batman movie we deserve. I saw the first preview right before Batman v Superman and that trailer was way better than the movie that followed.

Most of us would never have to know about this handful of assholes if the media didn't jump all over it. I'm all for them boycotting though. It will be easier to get tickets and I don't have to suffer one of them sitting next to me.

If he did, it would be awesome if they let him say f**k a thousand times like he does on the new live album he released last month.

"There’s power in embracing the dark side," Steve Bannon was overheard saying.

Like Metallica?

Zuul from Ghostbusters most likely.

'Member Rampage?

You know, I'm still annoyed that when the timeline split on 11/8, I ended up in this crappy version of reality.

There is a Red Robin add in the middle of an article about Jughead. FU universe!

I keep reading this as vaporware. 'Member vaporware? I remember vaporware!

I like this track, but if someone told me that this was the soundtrack to the next Tron movie, I would believe it. The point is, what exactly makes this vaporwave and not just another ambient movie score? I don't get it.

I'm always disappointed when I see the name "Rush" and it's about the right-wing nut and not the band.

Metallica somehow manages to be both a huge band and underdogs at the same time. The metal community, at least on the message boards, constantly bashes these guys. I'm not a huge fan, but I always kind of root for them. This album is a bit looser than the last one to it's advantage.

If we are going to go back in time, better to go back to 1987 than 1950!

"…as an opportunity to hock a $10,800 bracelet."