Roger Sterling's Lucky Strikes

The Long Dark is one of the most immersive games that I've played. The sound in that game is amazing. It makes you feel cold.

You momentarilly broke the Internet by retracting a complaint. No one does that, sir!

Cercei has gone full Joffery, even in hairstyle.

Seeing Arya getting stabbed again while watching this made me wonder why an assassin would stab someone in the gut. You would think a trained killer would deliver a killing blow. We've all learned from Resevior Dogs that a wound to the stomach is extremely painful, you don't die from it right away.

No one could deliver that dialogue.

Alan Dean Foster wrote a novelization for Dark Star? Why wasn't I told?

I like the theory, but if she is only in Arya' head, why was there a scene last week with Jaqen giving the waif permission to kill Arya?


Why is the Waif so bent on killing Arya? I thought these assassins weren't supposed to be vengeful? Isn't that what they've been trying to teach Arya?

"I’m trying to work out in my mind what it means that Mom was into being beaten." I dated a girl once who told me one night that she liked to be punched and asked me to hit her in the arm. That was our last date.

Nice job on the article title. I thought King was directing a movie version of Murders in the Rue Morgue!

"…he can’t compete with Euron’s insult comedy about Theon’s good grooming…"
So, Euron is the Trump of Westeros?

Is there a giant Pez Dispenser in space that spits out Enterprises after each one is destroyed? Those ships aren't cheap, dammit!

Is Hodor a white-walker now?

He is only half-Targaryen, so he is flame retardant from the waist down. I just made that up.

Did Brienne know about Shireen? I can't remember. If so, why didn't she tell Davos? She has no reason to protect the Red Lady.

"Tormund smitten with Brienne?" I want to see this spin-off show.

Funny you should say that. I thought that maybe she forgot how to act in the intervening time. Her lines were delivered so monotone.

I don't mind reading two reviews, one from a book reader and one from a non-bookreader. If you it makes you happier, just read one.

I don't like Cruz, but that was a spot-on comparison!