Roger Sterling's Lucky Strikes

Agreed. Aren't we getting enough of this on CNN each day?

Get your torches and pitchforks out.

Is there any significance to the colored Mac logo on the laptop in Polite Fight? It really stands out from the otherwise muted colors and it always situated between the two hosts.

How is just your typical lawyer. He's not bad at heart, but he is still a dick by trade.

I laughed when Lex Luthor said, "He flew too close to the sun," while holding Zod's corpse. Funny stuff!

I'm more annoyed by bands like Disturbed than Babymetal.

That's what I gathered. When I say that my interest in metal has waned, it's mostly because the newer stuff does nothing for me. The new Voivod EP is rather nice though.

I'm glad that my interest in metal has waned in the last 5 years so that I don't have to have an opinion either way about Babymetal.

I will forever remember him screaming and cursing in Dothraki and sounding 100% convincing.

I saw the movie on Friday and no one walked out of that movie smiling or feeling good. What a downer. I've felt better after watching CNN for 2 hours.

I swear he name checked two people from Pink Floyd who I do not recognize.

I had no idea that he was playing Chip's mom in Baskets. When he come onscreen and I realized it we Louie, my brain short-circuited for a moment. What an amazing casting decision.

The Turkish torture porn movie was rated higher…

I was interested in seeing Going Postal, but I finally forgot about it.

I agree that I would love to see some of them done right. Maybe an HBO series that follows The Night Watch stories.

There are a handful of Pratchett TV adaptations out there like The Color of Magic, Hogfather, Going Postal and a few others. I've only seen Color of Magic. It was on Netflix for a bit. It was just okay.

The Spiderman franchise is competition with the Fantastic Four franchise to see who can have the most reboots.

The new album is good. I preordered it a few weeks ago and I have it already. I hope to catch them live some day.

Wussy are an awesome band with a terrible name. I preordered the new album and received it two days ago! I've only listened to it a few times, but I like it so far.

He already has a statue. It's in front of the Philadelphia Art Museum and it's way bigger than an Oscar.