Roger Sterling's Lucky Strikes

"Movies make me want to be dead." - Mike, Half in the Bag -

"I spent the morning checking the internet for rational people.."

This reeks of, "we need a love interest!". Hollywood.

Who else was thinking Wrath of Khan while watching the but incident?

I liked it too. I just assumed that I was the only one.

Apparently, AVClub did not get Kanye's Twitter memo.

My only complaint about Ash Vs Evil Dead is that they gave Ash a last name. Ash will always be just Ash to me. Now, if had a gag similar to the "Ronald McDonald" gag from It's Always Sunny, I might reconsider.

Maybe if they reshot the whole thing with Legos?

He went from Woody Allen to Larry David in a few decades!

You cant' handle the…oh forget it.

One can wish.

"I’m just going to say it: Many of the world’s ills stem directly from wealthy old white guys indulging dangerous whims."

This looks amazing.

I want to play the Lucas Arts game!

I was thinking the same thing. He's not going down alone!

Oh! Can we please start using "wound up on the internet'? I hate when journalists use dropped. No one talks that way in real life.

Gardenia is so catchy, I can't get it out of my head! Help me get it out of my head!!!!

I'm unfamiliar with this person and his music, but I have to say, this is pretty damn good. I'll have to check out the whole album.

It was so low-impact, the Razzie board forgot about it.

Paying $15 a month for three of us to use Apple Music has saved me money. While I will still buy CDs here and there, I'm not getting nickle-and-dimed by my daughter each month to buy single tracks that she gets bored of after a few listens.