Roger Sterling's Lucky Strikes

By the way, if you see your mother this weekend, tell her that I said, "SATAN!"

Whenever we see this trailer, my 12-year old daughter laughs and explains to me how this movie looks like a copy of every other YA book adaptation. I'm so glad that she is able to identify crap.

I was thinking on Friday that if he never released another album, Blackstar would be an amazing way to end his career. I take it back! When I found out that he died, I was hoping it was one of those internet hoaxes. RIP.

If you going to allow the whole world to be connected by a giant computer, there are bound to be idiots.

Regarding the ending, Ash has spent his whole life watching everyone him die horrifically. He even ditches his crew to go to the cabin by himself. I think that he made his decision because he thinks that he can save Kelly and Pedro. What a screwhead.

That is one depressing list. House of Wax? I don't even have to look it up to know it's the Paris Hilton version.

Does Moore mention that besides the gourmet lunches in France, that everyone chain smokes? You can't walk anywhere around Paris without getting a lungful of smoke.

The last shot of Mike in the office was one of the greatest scenes that I've ever seen. I'm going to miss the show immensely. I haven't seen the first season yet, so I have that to look forward to.

Where is Pixels? You can change out any non-Adam Sandler movie on this list for Pixels.

How can they not include that song in the next movie? Well, I guess it would be easy not to include it, but they should!

You're making me hate Star Trek. Stop it!

Yeah, there weren't enough 'splosions and motorcycle chases in The Motion Picture.

Isn't it price gouging to sell an album for a few million dollars?

You haven't been to an Iron Maiden or King Crimson show, I see.

Peart was a Rand fan back in the 70s, but not so much these days. Geddy and Alex made Neil write the lyrics because "he read books." That always makes me laugh.

I love that crazy synth music when they are on the pirate island. Great movie!

Oh crap. Nice catch. I didn't think Batman did the gun thing. Maybe it was a kryptonite shooting gun.

You can have senseless kills of major characters every week, but then most viewers will stop caring.

In the first season, the gang covers themselves in blood to avoid detection. I'm assuming that is what happened last night. They even called back with the "dumbass" comment.
If this is how Glenn dies, then it was a lame way to go. And please don't give me that crap about it being realistic. This is a TV show and not

Agreed. Even if you don't like her music, it's kind of cool that something this weird not only exists, but it talked about in the mainstream.