Roger Sterling's Lucky Strikes

The ending of The Dark Tower was perfect, but I'm sure you could have done a better job.

There already is a caffeinated water: it’s called “coffee.”

I've been X'ing it out all day! I'm all X'ed out! I understand that advertising is a necessary evil, but I hate when it's obnoxious.

I am barely putting up with the obnoxious Moonbeam City ad a the bottom of this page that keeps blocking my view, ensuring that I will never watch the show.

Did anyone else think Sarah Paulson's maniacal laugh was similar to the hag in The Shining?

My favorite line from The Fantastic Mr. Fox is "you wrote a bad song, Petey!" My daughter and I use that line often when we are expressing disappointment.

I was wondering how in the hell Henry Rollins wasn't in this, but he is. All is right in the world. Also, I'm not sure the producers understand the definition of "silent movie."

Whoa…whoa..hang on there. The Internet still hasn't got over it's rage about the racist Playmobile toys. Take a number and have a seat.

I like this show, but the portrayal of the military is so shallow. Talk about taking the easy route writing-wise. It's like they fell out of Avatar.


"If Strand’s philosophy is “helping them could hurt us,” why is he helping the whole group?":

I love South Park. I was speaking in general. I can't wait to watch this episode.

Generally, any attack on a conservative is considered "safe".

Now I'm looking forward to this!

All of these YA book adaptations are so humorless. I saw the Maze Runner II yesterday a spent the running time floating between feeling horrible because it was bleak, wondering why there were so many useless characters, and just plain wanting it to end.

It's sort of a minor miracle that there haven't been at least two sequels already. They would have of if they could have!

I always get The Grinder and Grandfathered confused.

Thanks for saving me the trouble of asking this same question. I, too, want to know how a beat can be inauthentic, and not only that, I want to be able to detect this myself.

He will be play [insert name of character who I don't remember from the book].

Those jocks at TBS won't be able to keep these nerds down! Do I smell a pilot?