Roger Sterling's Lucky Strikes

Thanks for the head's up. I'll probably just order it direct.

At least that's more than NPR is paying…..Maybe I'll just buy it for $10. I wonder how much gets paid for a digital sale.

Barlow's beard ate his face!

I'm still kind of amazed that Lucas sold for only 4.5 Billion. The franchise seems to be worth way more than that.

It's as long as the new Iron Maiden album? Holy smokes!

Fairly certain this is Alice Cooper's band. I doubt that Depp was partying with Morrison and Keith Moon, but you never know.

The fact that he is still alive gives him a pass to say whatever the hell he wants.

So, is the comic this silly?

Velcoro may have issues, but he is not Bill Cosby. I assumed that he didn't want to take advantage of her while she was high.

And kicking the crap out of trash cans.

Maybe he said it because he is a coke-head alcoholic and is prone to violent outbursts.

Um, no.

One Size Fits All is your entry point. Go!

The hippie in the woods really reminded me of Bob from Twin Peaks. And then there are the One-Eyed Jack parallels.

I wish they would play Ween's "It's Gonna be a Long Night" whenever someone goes on a booze and drug binge. That scene was hilarious, btw. I love how they made it a point of showing him pop in a CD.

I really like that album. The only one that I didn't love was Wilco (the album), and even that has some great tunes like One Wing.

According to the Pop Star Clock, she is past due for in image reinvention. She better do it before gem in her palm starts blinking.

Jay was not amused.

Wilco! Why do you hate Philly so much?

Even this guy is more of a rockstar than Kanye. Rudd should form a band with Lemmy.