Roger Sterling's Lucky Strikes

I was part of the Pono player Kickstarter. I received my Pono player and thought that it sounded great. The second day that I had it, I purchased a hi-res copy of Neil Young's Harvest. The hi-res version was pricey, so I decided to do a side-by-side comparison between the the hi-res version on the Pono and a Apple

I keep hoping that there is something more to the Detective Woodrugh story line that we don't know. Hope the whole gay thing is just a red herring for something completely unexpected. I keep hoping.

Yeah. Those scenes seem to be happening on another show entirely…possibly on Telemundo.

Same difference.


I found out that my daughter shut it off. Here is the next mystery, how on earth did I sleep during that crazy shootout?

And Superman shouldn't fly, of course.


Wonder Woman seems completely out of place in this "dark and gritty" movie. I wonder if they will just refer to her as Diana, because Wonder Woman sounds silly.

RPO is an entertaining book, but all the best parts are taken from other sources. For instance, the main character has to go through "The Tomb of Horrors", a classic D&D module. I always wondered how the author got away with this. I wonder if he had to license the other material.

I enjoyed Ready Player One, but let's be real, all the best material was cribbed from other people's work.

The only mystery for me is figuring out who turned off the TV after I fell asleep 30 minutes into this episode. This is for real, I'm not being snarky.

I didn't love it by any means. Some of the dialogue was terrible and the situations, borderline parody. I'll stick with it for a few episodes, but I hope it gets better.

The difference is that people started saying "Googe it" organically, where as Microsoft is knowingly trying to get people to use the term. I wish I could still "Infoseek" stuff.

I have a relative who works for Microsoft who insists that we "Bing" stuff instead of "Google" it. It's cute.

Neat idea, but the controls were not great and there is a lot of jumping.

MissionForce: Cyberstorm was most awesome. Now I want to track down a copy. Also, I remember playing Battletech II: The Crescent Hawk's Revenge. Good times!

Software Etc. Nice callback. Remember Egghead Software? I used to get software for my Amiga 500 at those stores.

As I said above, I've been burned a few times by their games, so whenever I see "Double Fine" I steer clear. It's sad too, since I was a huge fan of The Monkey Island series and other titles that some members of this team were involved in.

I've been burned a few times by Double Fine, so I've sworn off their games.