Roger Sterling's Lucky Strikes

After seeing what Stannis did, maybe the White Walker should overrun Westeros.

Totally agree. It reminded me a Walking Dead move when something major happens, but it's brushed under the rug because it would make the writer's job harder.

Pixels will be a big hit because it has Pac-Man and Donkey Kong and people like stuff that they recognize. Not to mention that Sandler got the idea from a short that someone else created on YouTube. I won't see it, though.

Adam, what happened to your faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace?

While I agree that Jon may be Azor Ahai in the books, has this ever been mentioned on the TV show?

Or, your Army of Darkness in my GOT…

I noticed that they were really throwing around the F-bomb when Jon met with the wildlings…and after the battle started, I was really throwing around the f-bomb! That battle was movie quality! Must have cost a fortune!

L7 are still around?

So, now the trend is movies about movies that were never movies?

Mad Max had such a terrible trailer, that I almost skipped it, even though I'm a huge fan of The Road Warrior. I'm so glad that I checked it out. They just don't make action movies this ball's out insane anymore. Pure craziness! The attention to detail from the set pieces, to the cars, to costumes was fantastic!

"He was the blood of the dragon, and now his fire has gone out. And now his watch is ended. His name is Robert Paulson."

So, I won't be able to stream stuff on Spotify for free and then buy it on iTunes like I normally do?

Because it was symbolic of SCP being gutted. All of the dangling cables and wires gave it the look of rotting carcass with Roger (The Phantom of the Opera) lurking within it's bowels.

It feels like a sellout for Joan if she just gives up and marries the rich guy. I hope it ends better for her.

What could be more badass than Peggy with the dark sunglasses and the cigarette? I'm assuming that Peggy will be in the final episodes, but if she were absent, that would be a great parting image.

>You were eaten by a grue.

"I didn’t entirely see why she was seducing Jon…"

As stated above, I love Cube, but yes.

I love Cube.

I hate accounts with gimmicky names.