

This woman fucks to the soundtrack from Sprout TV.

They probably do at TGI Friday's.

Oh, let's say … Moe.

The best is the "take it up with consumer affairs" callback at Jiffy Dump.

Half of it would be set in boutique eyeglass shops.

Oh, God yes!

MMMM, steaky.

Everything after London was nonsense. Chandler and Monica hooking up, Ross saying Rachel's name … the show ended right there.

Wow, that Disney Christmas album was an annual tradition in our house too.

I've tried a few different brands of rye, including the classic Old Overholt, which is what Don uses to make cocktails for Conrad Hilton and himself at Roger's Kentucky Derby party.

The Old Fashioned, a proper haircut, and aftershave.

You didn't think of the smell, you bitch.

Dennis's dismissive/frustrated fake laughs get me every single time.

The finger thing means the taxes.

"Well … I'll be in the tub."

We're so lame.

So, "Poochie" okay with everyone?

You might say he was an American hero.

No, that's bush league.