
I keep waiting for "American Pie" to appear in this space, just an awful song that I assume became popular because DJs needed 10 minutes to take a dump every once in a while.

Thanks for making sure. Yes, I am.

I'll bet you give a lot fewer of those than D minuses.

P. Piggly Hogswine's Super-smorg

Creepy Jeff was most definitely an adult, despite his penchant for picking up 16-year-old female employees.

Well, this ending certainly would have actually delivered on the premise of the entire show in a meaningful way. But why have that when you can deliver an awkwardly-edited, callous and contrived ending, half of which was filmed six years ago?

"We're hungover, we've had a bad day, let's break up." That's pretty lazy.

Can't get enough of that Sugar Crisp.

Free and easy, Lis. There's nothing like an unfurnished basement for pure comfort.

"Any respect you're feeling from me is a MISTAKE on your part."

Well … I'll be in the tub.

Well, I'll be in the tub.

This never fails to make me giggle like a schoolgirl.

We'll never know which year this motion picture was copyrighted.

Marge should have written a song, like that guy.

Get to Don McLean's "American Pie" and get to it yesterday.

Where's my elephant??

What I learned by watching Two Broke Girls last night:

What I learned by watching Two Broke Girls last night:

I don't think you have to be a pop culture snob to point out how terrible this show is.  As for the other thing - dare to dream, my friend.