
His friend driving a pickup tapped the brakes because Alex was in a selfie trance*

20k per game would only be $160,000 for 8 home games. The full payout of the $1.6M would come over 10 years, or 80 games worth of appearing.

I love the great radio interview that is APSportsGuy Jon Kralphabetsoup, but he is trying to make the point that the guy would be getting bank for working 8 days a year, but

$1.6M for 80* home games.

Getting revenge for the recent attacks on High School refs. Sad to see this escalate. Refs are the heroes that put themselves in harms way to protect the integrity of the game!!! We must make sure they GET HOME SAFE.

We teach our children to be able to defend themselves from our players.

CP time

You are exempting the legacy of slavery. You list the other minorities who seem to “be okay” at being peacefully poor, yet they have a history of stable families and communities. Slavery destroyed the ability for people to have a healthy community and family structure, which eroded the ability to pass along many of

The American South, 1800-1865!

If that were true they would invest in developing the sport, rather than leeching the $ out of one star and underresourcing their stable on the Women’s side. They would make more $ if they adopted a long term view, but rather they keep as much as they can now, and depend on fighters to grind it out at near poverty

UFC still sucks. Spent a long time trying to actively discredit WMMA, now all I see from the UFC on FB are Rousey articles, posts, or shares of something she said. The UFC to me is scummy as the GOP, who does the same shit when they have a “hot” woman politician. Fuck these men.

How could that be? He is wearing one of those expensive concussion preventing helmets!

Why the fuck does a billion dollar industry like the NFL have such rudimentary technology? A cell phone with bluetooth is beyond this issue, and although there are a few “features” that are harder to set up for such a thing on what would amount to a cell phone conference call, the fact is that we should be way beyond

They will be wise to never remove human umpires from sports because of their value to the fan as an excuse for losing. Sports, especially baseball, would get that much drier without the Umpire arguments/Manager tosses, and the replay showing bad strike calls. Fans may not know it, but part of their addiction to sports

Ray’s excitement made me a little sympathetic. He probably thought he was going to hit his sales or buy goal or whatever the hell it is for the month. Usually I have contempt for people who take jobs that rely on being slimy and shady and screwing desperate for cash consumers, but I also know many people do it because

I’m not sure what is a sadder display of an empty wallet: the clothing she chose to wear to appear in court, or the Sharpie on painted concrete block that is the mugshot backdrop.

Okay that’s a bit much, The Media. We know what’s going on we don’t need you to hire the cameramen from ”Cheaters” to cover the story.

Rams Cheerleader’s Husband Surprises Her By Returning From Overseas Deployment

A reminder that armed with a knife can range from a kitchen knife to pulling a swiss army knife from their pocket when being detained and searched. Unless the media actually challenges the police for some details, you get to make unnecessary assumptions.

Andy Kaufman

Does anyone who took anatomy believe this junk? A collapsed lung... from a rib injury, just like that. Apparently was not breathing nor had a pulse for 3 minutes. Then a nurse in the crowd performed CPR, which when done correctly to pass the damn certification BREAKS RIBS. Yet, he was playing golf the very next day?!