
Beard shaming guys who don’t use Just for Men? Not sure if the path to equality is by bringing down instead of pulling up :/

But if we push him hard, we may be able to implode the Fox News and profiteering that has hijacked “conservative”. It is always worth a go to shatter the anti intellectualism plague that grips the minds of 40-48% of the country. It is at once nice to have feeble opposition, but for the good of the country Liberals

Heard from a Delta guy they were setting records recently for people making their flight, or the opposite of no showing. I see this graphic echoes that.

Comments enabled on a “sponsored” post?!

and seemed oddly emotional about the subject of immigration, even though Iowa is nowhere near the border.

Watch Hillary shift the focus off herself 2016

People are now cool with eating ass, but fuckheads like this keep the foot fetish kink stuck in the pop culture creepzone. :(

The exposing of his sexual kinks backfired, and turned him into a sympathetic character during the jokes and bullying from the media and some of the public.

Just blurred lines baby

The GOP wanted a vote from you but

You know that’s how all tv shows are filmed right...?

That was A-Rod level gamesmanship though. Yes I’ve been fouled but instead of getting up I lunge backward backward at the ball for no futbol related move. This is the “I’m not blocking in the back!” *hands up* move of American Football.

and yet anti woman hackers want to ruin it by blowing up AshleyMadison

Does the UFC not realize moves like this make them more susceptible to fighters organizing a union? It is hard to argue fighters are “independent” when you dress them up in all the same UFC brand garb. Maybe they are resigned to it and are setting the bar prior to negotiations.

This sick beat sounds like something invented by a pastor cringe rapping on a VHS tape. Is it really all that fresh my main homie slice?

I always considered Miranda Lambert secretly older than Rebel Wilson, but it seems we can only investigate stars that come from 2 hemispheres away

White people used to own slaves! Not kidding. Look. it. up.

37 million? That’s top of the head math like 1 in 7 ish US adults. Perhaps we need to revamp our monogamy morals if it is that common just on the dating site numbers... imagine including the people who don’t do online dating...

If disco = dance club in England, what does rap music = ?

Chastising for refusal to adhere to an off the record request. Lol ok Gawker Media. I needed a laugh at the end of that story.