
...AND? Keep going FIFA, what else?

Everyone is different ok. One celeb has the genetics for this kind of neck, so what. Does your brain shut down when you walk in the reality sampler that is WalMart?

Racecase? I thought that was trademarked by Johnny Cochran in 1995

Well don’t let them steal the ball for one...

4:20 “O mi madre...” XD

Damn HP closed? I only knew it from seeing simulcasts during rainy days at the local track, but it was one of the handful of places that at least had a memorable name. Pimlico, Charles Town, Golden Gate, Aqueduct, Gulfstream...


Fuck JJ show is at least 15 years old? Where did my 20’s go

Not all customers are glitterboob perfumespill aficionados, maybe mix up your features and increase your customer base you stupid businessperson.

He is saying that both the alpha douchebag and the dainty homemaker were forced into these roles by society/nature, and such roles are oppressive in the sense that they are no longer required for survival yet remain imposed by society. What remains is for people to accept the freedom to be themselves, and shake off

Looks like a prosthetic nose

TFW it happened on most campaigns. #WhatIf #WhyAssumeLimitOf1

Sponsored content at its shadiest! The NYT is on a roll, first ENDYMED 3DEEP™ bullshit, and here is “buy some lingerie it’s totes feminist now!” Ignore the V.S. ad on the opposite page, just coincidence!

“Baggy clothing encouraged in this neighborhood” - Somehow, a deranged sentiment that fits both residents and bomb wearing radicals.

The trigger-ber baby

Why is it in English?

created by four students

It’s like they were going for the microscopic monster theme

Holy cow please return the scoreboard to the store. They have to have an open box policy in place.