
Unless you identify as a Pashtun Papa on the inside, then it is your right to be who you are regardless of where you were born.

Dat dating pattern doe. I forsee a Dateline/Feds sting operation whereby they set up a fake OKC account with her pics etc, and then arrest all people showing interest in her.

"Adults play games? What losers!" -The real world

Those Bibles better have $100 bills hidden in them.

That tweet is really mischaracterized. I thought Jerry was in front of Romo at first too, but once the defensive players began to run by and hand slap with Jerry it was clear Romo and Garrett were like 6 yards further down the sideline

See handle.

I think a lot of Men recognize the actions in the video as awful, desperate attempts at meeting this Woman, but still categorize them along the spectrum of a desire to approach, meet, and interact with a Woman for a relationship. That is where much of the defensiveness comes from, the fact that they too have

I've got a perfect solution: just call the terror group ISIL, like all the people who are fighting it, referring to it in the media, strategy meetings, amongst other nations, etc. Otherwise you may also have to rename what "is", is.

I find these types of Sociological clusterfucks to be so interesting. Has anyone tried the reverse and videotaped a man street harassing women for a day? Perhaps the responses could give a better insight on the opposite perspective. How successful or not is such a tactic? If it never works then there is no debate.

First you start with a kelly faircloth, then add gold stitching to compliment the emerald color...

Drake does not care for pre-nups. Oh no, it's not a metaphor for spending his money? It's a non artistic lyric about sex any 14 year old could write? Oh. Drake...

Plus his knee hit the turf hard on that side of the body, which likely put stress on the hip flexor, whose other end is attached to the top of the pelvis and lower spine.


Careful, that Rat is a known #Squeebola carrier!

Ha, love that Disneyworld satire pic you posted.

LOL I forgot about this Woman. My mind was like "Oh it's that Family show lady again, she's everywhere these days."

But now he is on Jezebel... and Reddit... didn't you read his profile?! This is all part of the guerrilla marketing plan.. probably... I didn't read it.

Please help these two men lose their job, stop littering.

I remember when I was young and naive about the power of books. Look at what comes out of our own system. Sarah Palin has made millions from people who "got an education" with many books thrown at them. What is funny is how both sides think if they throw enough money at their method, it will work magic by sheer

Is this the first time someone has paid to speak at a University?