
They have invented the Mini Trail!

I approve of this ad.

Obviously it was able to hit 88 MPH as the time travel sequence was successful, as the remainder of the movie clearly demonstrates.

How much would an Audi V8 and AWD drivetrain cost salvage?

There needs to be an undecided button, or a fence sitter button, for this one. Geez Louise, am I conflicted!

Volkswagen does not tolerate (getting caught at) any kind of violation of laws whatsoever

From the aspect of practicality its CP all the way. But this is not a purchase for practicality. So, if one is into the whole Type 2 thing, yeah, NP.

This sort of activity is sometimes referred to as “ate up with the dumb asses”

There is not a single thing “wrong” or “bad” with the rewrite. The Model T was designed with the materials to hand at that time, as well as with the prevailing cultural realities (not too far removed from the horse and buggy. Coexisting actually.
Who’s to say what’s right or wrong? It’s all aesthetic preference in my

Very nice. Looks like it might be a D21 bed and gate.

do your research.

Or put it in neutral, start pushing, jump in, put it in second and dump the clutch. Of course this can be impractical/impossible depending on surroundings. But on a downhill slope, piece of cake.

The Mig sounds like a TIE fighter, excellent!

Please, if you do sell it, don’t sell it to anyone who smells like they might put the tűnz to it.

I cannot define the compelling sense of desire I get from these little cars. But I want one, and badly.

$40,000 for something fit mainly for driving in parades while wearing a fez. CP.

It would only increase the cool; to take a Sawzall to the hood, make some room for the intake.

ROFL! Thank you for that Falutin Free, a much needed chuckle.

Not nearly so bad looking as I had remembered them. Of course, this one’s been gone over nicely. But no, cannot drop 11 on it. Maybe 4?