
Maybe Jay Leno will buy it for his collection.

All cons aside, and they are numerous and valid, it’s important to continue to expand the frontiers of research. I would submit that, out of a great number of ideas, a few great ones arise.
So let’s continue the brainstorming folks.

Looks like TAP goes through a lot of tires.

Whether or not I have the intestinal fortitude to follow through on some of your suggested projects is completely aside from the fact that 1. you do and 2. I am inspired.
Probably won’t do a Supra project. But, IMO, an SC-300 with that 2JZ-GTE drivetrain, now that would be fun.

Did not pass Go, did not collect $200, but scrolled down here to submit CP!
Please God kill it with fire.

The car had some lovely lines, quite stylish IMO. Such a shame that the whole shebang got screwed up by penny pinchers in Detroit.

Nice, very nice indeed. A guy could live in one of these at the RV park and move up from the van down by the river.

All arguments for or against the efficacy of having this little sub gun vs. a pistol, I know that I for sure would feel better knowing that I had one.

Excellent question. Apparently not.

What a classy, sexy car that is.

Check out those fuel lines! You’d be on a first name basis at Discount Tire with this baby.


Ohhh, I thought this was about an ad that would come up telling you whodonit on a movie review.

I think that the big difference is giving a sh*t. People who don't, can't be trusted to do a good job. hence, a turbine-powered blower.

the NFL hires and re-hires players who beat and break faces of women. Colleges allow them to stay in school. So why not hire this guy who beats producers?

Stop beating on people because they didn't bring lunch on time would be a good start.

He got all hyperbolic and stuff...

I would imagine that it would have to be built to diesel spec and then could "downgrade" to gasoline cycle?

If it's too good to be true, it probably is. Sadly that will be the case with this delightful tease of a concept. There is some hidden law that the likelihood of being manufactured is directly and inversely proportional to the coolness of the vehicle.