wow, what a shittily-written article, cherry-picked facts to support the author’s agenda....this article isn;t intended to inform you, only persuade you....gawker has evolved into a shithole
wow, what a shittily-written article, cherry-picked facts to support the author’s agenda....this article isn;t intended to inform you, only persuade you....gawker has evolved into a shithole
make that 21 days, guy
I've seen a lot baseless, petty shit in the deadspin comments section, but this may take the cake.
wow, that's got to make life so rough for you
um, and this is on deadspin why?
well, you can see the ball still in his hand, so it's now the time where we've come full circle and ask you if it sucks to be an asshole AND to be blind
I cannot fathom how white trash like this can afford tickets to an NFL game
hate to be a buzzkill, but it really looked like the runner was down
lol holy projection....anyway, anyone who cares enough to read your post probably understands it, and the people that disagree understand it (perhaps more than you do), so you can keep pathetically trying to focus your arguments on just calling other people stupid, or you can realize that people get what you're…
short man's complex much?
Basketball fucking blows dude, shut up.
as a Brewers fan, this doesn't really sting that much to see because we actually have Gomez out in center...the playoffs though, that stings to see
I don't have a problem with it, in fact I kind of admire what he's doing in a way...but most 5-star recruits are going to pick the school that lets them act like a college student.
Do you want to lose being the #1 destination for the majority of in-state Texas recruits? Because this is how you lose being the #1 destination for the majority of in-state Texas recruits.
wooooooooooooooow....that's awful but very, very clever....nice
coming from the same blog that demonizes men for makes the same exact kind of lists!!!