God of small things

Oh how I wish that were true! Sure, I make much more money now than I did in my 20s and I have a great, exciting job, but that job takes up much of my time, leaving much less for the fun stuff that women want their men to be into. And while I haven't grown a huge paunch, my lean cross country running days are also

Yeah, it's an amazingly fucked up thing to tell someone who's talked about a victim of abuse...."well, are you SURE they're not actually the abuser, because he probably is in my experience."

Lock this sick fuck away for a long time. Takes a seriously warped person to pull something like this.

Way to blame the victim. Wow.

Every girl I dated in high school!

?? Aren't the (crazy) rules intended to be reciprocal? They are both THE BOYFRIEND.

Yep. You've got the same people complaining BUT BREASTS AREN'T SEXUAL!!! Who are also complaining YOU CAN'T SHOW BREASTS, IT'S TOO MUCH SEXY!!!!

We don't, by nature, put ourselves in other peoples' positions automatically - we see from our perspective. We learn from being hurt, and often we take those lessons and extrapolate them to other people. I learned not to talk shit about friends behind their back because I got very hurt when I found out someone was

Just a lot of shallow people out there. Like half of all women in the U.S. won't date a guy shorter than them. And I bet a lot of them complain about shallow dudes!

I think fear/force/coercion is way more clear cut. Pressure to consent is a bit dicier, but I still view it as consent, just maybe not for the best reasons.

Haha, thanks!

I'm 5'9", straight up average in the U.S., and there's a lot of women that consdier that a dealbreaker because snagging a tall guy=social status.

Dammit! Beat me to it.

I don't get it. According to this piece, he's not claiming to be a feminist, and it also says he's not even really discussing women much in his book, he's discussing frat life and many of the problems with it—many of which don't have to do with women.

So THAT'S where the name Big Pussy came from on the Sopranos! The mafia-feminist-industry alliance of ultimate corruption!

Nope. Plenty of studies show this is primarily a woman thing. They prefer taller men, rule out shorter men on dating sites, and even assume men lie about their height and so they rule out guys that are their height.

That makes a lot of sense. Seems exactly like really hot women that feel they can get away with awful/abusive personalities because....hot!

Yes, that's right, and that's part of the reason no one should really be concerend about this law. It's actually an incredibly minor step—and I don't think anyone believes it gets anywhere near resolving the rape problem. What the affirmative consent requirement does on a practical level is help address circumstances