God of small things

But is there a such thing as good sex in fiction, because I feel like I'd respond like this dude to ANY of it. I can't think of reading some sexytimes passage and thinking....oh, that's hot.

So THIS is the one thread where the spam -bot doesn't show up claiming they can make $9000 at home each month??? Cuz if there ever was an appropriate thread, this is it.

Totally with you there. I mean, not to begrudge people what they're into, but....if you can see a hot woman on camera for free, or pay up the nose for it, why do the latter?

Did you mean to reply to me? Because your question and your judgement made absolutely no sense in the context of what I said.

That wallet is $110 bucks?? Why? It looks no different that what I got for $10. And no one but me really sees the damned thing anyway.

It does happen. I mean, this guy apparently did some really sick stuff, but I knew someone that did something kind of similar and completely sabotaged himself on a level I can only describe as epic. He had an anonymous twitter account and trolled all kinds of very important people. That in itself wasn't too bad (in

What an unprovoked assholey thing for her to say. Someone's got issues!

Yeah, gotta be careful with the crazy. It's not always readily apparent though!

Ha, ain't that the truth, unicorn indeed!

Also kinda similar.

I'm actually pretty surprised when I DON'T see this kind of hypocrisy.

Love how the assholey response to you just proves your point.

"Setting up secret proxy software to hack his email is going too far"

Yeah, I've either had, or avoided dates with women who lied about the most random things, for reasons that I can't really fathom. As much as I don't like the idea of snooping on people by googling them beforehand, sometimes its just necessary because there are women that can't be trusted.

I should be clear, by saying you can't deny people their experiences isn't to say you have to agree with them, or their actions, or their interpretations. I'm just saying, when you say there are men that behave like this, and he's saying well, there are women that behave like this, those observations are both valid.

I never said anything about feelings. I said experiences. And again, I did the opposite of deligitimizing your points, which is exactly what you're doing to him.

I'm attempting to discount what you've added to the discussion by saying I accept that you are accurately conveying your experiences and I'm not going to deny them?

"The relevancy of your point has to be put into question when you begin to use generalizations to assert hollow, biased points that are in no way bolstered by evidence or substantial citations."

Did he say all women? I didn't see that.