No complaints. And thanks to Google glass, all those milk maids are currently featured on a variety of lactation fetish web sites.
No complaints. And thanks to Google glass, all those milk maids are currently featured on a variety of lactation fetish web sites.
Ostensibly they're there to sell out their country by buying tons of cheap Chinese crap, but yeah, you nailed the real reasons.
Ohhhhh, back aaaaand forth.
Oh wait, they're white, forgot you can't offend white people....
Jebus, just change the name to the Braves and be done with it,
I guess the good ole boys finally figured out that sodomy includes blow jobs, not just gay butt sex.
Two straight episodes with no boobs? Why am I even watching this show??
This was Tampa Bay. Not really Florida.
It's not that the US is bad at diving, it's cultural. To us, flopping or faking an injury is cheating. Others see it as part of the game. When the US wins, they win without cheating against teams who routinely cheat. Makes international wins that much harder, and that much sweeter.
Speaking of self-oblivious irony, to how many people are you going to offer your opinion that their opinion doesn't matter and they shouldn't be offering them?
You're right. It's not about me. It's about me believing that propping up a dead body is tacky, macabre, and about as disrespectful as you can get without hollowing out the head and drinking beer out of it. And it's about me offering this opinion.
So you think posing a corpse like it was a movie prop is respectful??
If you have an unpaid credit card balance [and] not much saved up in emergency savings, I need you to listen up. My advice has changed. I want you to only pay the minimum due on your credit card balance, and instead, make it your top priority to build as much of an emergency cash fund as you can.
Ugh. It's soooo much worse in motion than in static photos.
When someone does to their body what this woman is doing to hers, shame is a good thing. Maybe enough shame will shock her back to normalcy before this ridiculous fetish kills her.
The woman turned herself into a clown. A tragic clown.
If it WERE true, it would be useful in the same way that baking tips are useful. To me, not at all. But to people who are into baking, probably pretty useful. :-)
Ok, I just figured, on average, a married family unit might be more stable than one without a union, and there would be less abuse.
So the rate of abuse among married couples is lower than that among couples who are not married. Why is this bad?
Texas! One of the few states Florida can point to and laugh at.