
Well, we all have different thresholds. Maybe mine are more liberal.

Your analogy is senseless. There is an expectation of privacy in a restroom, public or private that is not expected on an open beach. However, if I was openly pissing on a beach and someone wanted to take pictures, have at it. Since I'm in a *truly* public place and not a bathroom, they have as much right to take

Bullshit. I asked a legitimate question and I'd like a serious answer. Go fuck with someone else. I'm done with you.

Wondering, was your initial thought that he was an extra creepy dude, or just a guy taking pictures of someone he knew? Where did your mind take you first?

I just did a casual search and found no law in Virginia covering taking pictures of people in public without their knowledge/permission. As long as the pictures are not published, and if they are, that the faces are blurred, there is nothing specifically prohibiting what this guy was doing. Being a creep isn't a

Why is being photographed at the beach different from being photographed in a shopping mall? The only difference I can see if the amount of clothing being worn. But both mall goers and beach goers choose their wardrobe before going out in public where they will be seen by thousands of people, and one would assume

Since when does one need authorization to photograph people in public places?

"Ima have his ass whoop"

In a fist fight, I'd take Deadspin any day.

Now playing

Tragic that I have to explain this to you. When someone gets all butthurt on the internet and has to brag about how great their life is in response, even making shit up to appear more successful than they are, mockery is the standard reply.

I hear ya. It gets funnier every time I listen! The thing is, LeBatard has been doing these rants for years. Local listeners look forward to them when the playoffs begin, and we're rarely disappointed. But now that he's gone national, lots of listeners have no idea what its about, they think he's a Miami homer

Yeah yeah, you're Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire. You own a mansion and a yacht.

I wish I could get this worked up over nothing. Seriously, even things that are worth getting angry over don't seem to phase me, much less bread based trivialities. I must be missing a gene or something.

Yay, malicious destruction of private property!

When it comes to serious passive-aggressive assholery, the target doesn't need to know. In fact, the target is not supposed to know. The satisfaction comes from you knowing they're brushing their teeth with the toothbrush you stuck up your ass, not them knowing.

"Duh. I don't get it. Why is he yelling? Why is that guy laughing in the background?"

As I said, and as you've clearly proven, you have no sense of humor. And your life must suck.

once more into the breach. why isn't winning enough to release his emotions? are you all just sore winners? and 'pent up from years'? you've won two of the last three titles, have 3 Olympians, and have 4 straight trips to the finals. and you have LeBron james, the most powerful and versatile player on the planet?

yeah, but why is he shouting?

I'll forgive you your ignorance and your shitty attitude. I understand people with no sense of humor are forced to cope in various ways. It's not my place to judge.