I'm sorry you have no sense of humor. Your life must suck.
I'm sorry you have no sense of humor. Your life must suck.
No, the one thing he's NOT is a crack smoker.
You're an idiot. I think that sums you up for us.
So, were there just the two pictures then, or are there more out there that I couldn't find?
Wow, Bullock looks great for an older woman.
Wow, generalize much?
But, I don't see any way this plate could possibly mean anything else... Which is both sad, and disgusting.
Forget awful, it's not even unfortunate. It's like a Rorchach done up in random alphanumeric characters instead of inkblots. There is nothing there, but still sometimes you see something.
I'd go with R-HOMINID.
If you see "rape" in "R8P" then you probably see "rape" in a lot of other places where it isn't.
If it wasn't before, it is now. :-)
The Beatles agree.
Male passengers with attached flesh penises seem to get a pass. For some reason, unattached foreign objects that appear where a penis is generally located seem to draw scrutiny. Go figure.
Male passengers with attached flesh penises seem to get a pass. For some reason, unattached foreign objects that appear where a penis is generally located seem to draw scrutiny. Go figure.
Well, there was never a shoe bomber until there was one. And nobody ever hid a bomb in their underwear until someone hit a bomb in their underwear.
Right. Because we know a bomb cannot possibly be disguised as a penis.
It's misguided to blame the media. If there wasn't a huge market for photos like these, nobody would bother publishing them. Blame the general public instead.
"Oh, sorry, you don't remember saying that one thing that one time in 2005? Don't worry, I have the clip in my purse. Heh heh heh."