Eh, you build up a kind of tolerance. I remember my first experience with sugar free jelly beans. They were basically a chewy, fruit flavored laxative, better suited to a medicine cabinet than a candy drawer. But after the first day, it was smooth sailing. I finished off the jar with no ill effects.
Hey, why not?" rules my internet life. Just yesterday I learned that there were topless photos of Judge Marilyn Milian from The Peoples Court online. So they're out there. And they're boobs. So, hey, why not?
I spent one day installing tile in a condo. And as a result, I will never ever EVER take my desk job for granted again. I may go home tired or worn out, but I never have to go home with an all-over body ache.
Well, it is the lowest hanging fruit.
You shouldn't anthropomorphize seals. They hate that.
Haven't you ever challenged yourself to do something difficult?
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Baseball and cricket both derive from the same antecedents, but baseball is not based on cricket.
Actually, no. The prefix "cis" means "on the side of," as opposed to "trans" which means "across from."
So "cis" = normal
Even more reason to stop using it. A man who identifies as a man is called a "man". A woman who identifies as a woman is called a "woman". There's no need for modifiers.
Not to me. I get enough "annoying" in my real life, I do not need it from my respite from real life. :-)
To be fair, Logan Kirby was on target. Modern Family may be a very good show, but as long as that godawful, nails-on-a-chalkboard voice with a hot woman wrapped around it remains a part of it, I'm just not watching.
While we're at it, let's get rid of "cis" too. "Straight" is the default, it shouldn't need to be delineated.
Someone please explain to me, how do you decide which celebrities you snark to death and which ones you can't stop gushing over?
To be fair, the whore has likely done many far more distasteful things for cash than tell a lie.
I don't give a flying fuck how many special stars your sushi joint was given, I'm the paying customer and you will prepare my food the way I ask you to without copping an attitude. If I ask for my fish to be cooked, shut up and cook my fish. Period.
Right. Because at 45, I am still exactly the same person I was at 15. Maybe someone should have shot me like a rabid dog 30 years ago.