
'>' = 'greater than', yes.

Killing 15-year old kids for exhibiting poor judgement, yeah, that should definitely be a thing!

Beloved athletes that have been wrongly accused of rape > Beloved athletes that have actually committed rape.

It's an addiction, why not treat it as such?

Another good way to deal with being hooked on pregnancy? Psychotherapy.

Fine. Judge away. As though the opinion of a complete stranger on the internet matters.

Are you trying to be an asshole or is it unintentional?

Both sides are lying, the truth is somewhere in between.

I've seen Blackfish, but I've also read Sea World's rebuttal.

But you said Dempster is terrible. Not knowing who he's impersonating was the only reason I could think of.

Now playing

I'm guessing you don't know who Harry Carey is. Dempster nailed it.

I vividly recall enjoying the hell out of Sea World as a child, and I wouldn't deprive my own children of that same joy.

What's the deal with Lori's outfits? Is armpit cleavage a thing?

Back in the day, we used to have servers named for planets; Mars, Mercury, etc.

I might have switched it up with "I Second that Emulsion" but yours is funny as hell!

Planet, Shmanet, Janet!

I was forced to give up my trusty old IBM 101 because I typed too loud.

"I'm Lou Filerman. I'm new here."

I don't think it matters much. The time saved is in how many people can stow their bags and find their seats simultaneously. Did you watch the video on the site I linked to? It explains better than I could.

You asked, I answered.