Forcing diversity on a viewing audience that doesn't want it is a recipe for failure. Neither of these shows will make it to Season 2.
Forcing diversity on a viewing audience that doesn't want it is a recipe for failure. Neither of these shows will make it to Season 2.
Not sure why, and no offense to you personally, but whenever I see one of these "tips from insiders for novices" lists, it seems they invariably sound as though written by a total douche. I wonder if there's a nicer way to get these sorts of points across, or if the vary nature of the information requires the writer…
I don't want to watch childbirth any more than I want to watch heart surgery. Especially my own.
None of those examples are remotely comparable, but thanks for replying.
If you don't want people to act like covert pedophiles, don't let you 13-year old daughter pose for photos on a bed with a half naked 20-year old man.
They named him Romeo??
If that's the case, I'm glad I'm doing my part to help. (+12)
Sigh. I remember when the Guinness Book used to celebrate actual human achievements.
I don't get the hate for Boko Haram. Whiter Shade of Pale is an awesome tune!
Lochte is a swimmer. Baldwin is a god. No comparison, really.
Friends? Beats the f*ck out of me.
FYI, a friend with teen children keeps me up to date on what slang is in and what is out. And she tells me the kids aren't saying "totes" these days. Just so you know.
Self loathing people gotta eat too.
In 1987, I paid $20 to pose for a Polaroid with Ginger Lynn at the Cheetah III in Pompano Beach, FL. And she let me touch her boobs.
Funny, for me, the "Boom" kinda ruined my good feeling. You want to do something kind for a stranger, do it. But leave the unnecessary posturing at home. This is like the tipping version of the college basketball player who pops his jersey after making a great shot. Instead of marveling at the great shot, I'm left…
At Walmart, you only get cheap Chinese head saliva. Yay, Walgreens!
I can't help it, but whenever my eyes register the words "Republican candidate" my brain invariably interprets it as "fucking moron". And it seems that positive reinforcement serves to perpetuate the phenomenon.
Cranberry Ginger Mocktail: "Cold, cold, cold, cold. I can't drink it. It's too cold."
All I know is the Met Ball will always suck when compared to the Yankee Ball.