If it's important enough for you to view the content, you'll excuse how the content was delivered. OR you'll get all butthurt on the internet. Seems to be one or the other.
If it's important enough for you to view the content, you'll excuse how the content was delivered. OR you'll get all butthurt on the internet. Seems to be one or the other.
Miramar here! Just off Red Rd. where it breaks off from Flamingo.
If anything, sue the maker of the shampoo. But I'm pretty sure that company isn't worth $150 billion, soooo... Scumbag lawyer goes for the deepest pockets.
Fahey's is seeking the $10,000 for her "past, present and future physical and emotional pain and suffering, anxiety, humiliation and embarrassment, expenses for replacement hair, along with diminished and lost wages," according to her suit. The suit also seeks the cash award for her "loss of life's pleasures and…
I think "or" should be "and" and there should be no comma after "government." Am I wrong?
Why, oh why is the song list alphabetical instead of chronological??!?
Just this.
To be fair, I don't think the IDF is nearly as rapey as the US Military.
I have tried so hard to find Amy Schumer funny.
Dumb commercial. But you don't need to be smart to sell men alcohol. You just have to make it seem like if they drink your particular swill, they'll stand out above the drinkers of the nasty crap their competitors sell.
Written on a bathroom stall wall:
Even Ben Stiller jokes about it in meet the fockers, where he just had to say the word bomb to be arrested.
When you go to Subway, do they ask you for your name?
flatbread + pizza = flatizza
It's a way of identifying who gets which order. Happens all the time. She must be a full figured gal. And a bit too sensitive if you ask me.
On the other hand, thanks to Jez for wading through the cesspool that is Reddit and returning here with only the choicest nuggets.
Pansy, too.
Can you tell us what they say now in place of cray? Also, can you find out if 'totes' and 'whatevs' are still things? Thanks!
She could be a cat psychic. Meow? Meow.
I always sign, "Please ask to see picture ID" Not that it matters because few check, and I'm infinitely more likely to be defrauded electronically than via my physical card anyway. But it's a tiny added layer of security. Make sure I'm me before you accept the card.