
Hey, no wrinkle shaming! Remember where you are!

I do not like sriracha.

According to the OED, it's now acceptable to use the word 'literally' figuratively.

Psst. ScarJo? Claiming you hate being called something is a surefire way to make sure you get called that thing every day for the rest of eternity. Just sayin.

Milk and Pepsi, anyone?

I grew up in a Jewish household. Milk with meat? Gross!!

If 762 is greater than 755, then the debate is over.

Not hardly. As long as the Ignorance Triumvirate of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana are still part of America, the average IQ of the US will always remain pitifully low.

Aren't the Cap'n and Scoob's eyes just staring down at the bowls of cereal? Looks that way to me.

Francesa has always been a Grade A asshole, but I was really surprised to hear crap like this from Esiason.

That's why there needs to be a variety of late night talk shows. I find Letterman very funny and often engaging, while I can't take 2 minutes of Fallon without reaching for the remote. Or the puke bucket. Also, I love the hell out of Jon Stewart and could life a happy full life if Ellen had never existed in this

"I wanna be a civil rights lawyer... who gets royally pounded by a room full of fratboys."

Great voice. Goofy hair.

Just so you know, not all Miami bros are hispanic. Most of us pronounce "man" correctly and don't give a shit about Enrique Iglesias. That is all.

Nothing wrong with those arms.

Girls become gay if they are exposed to a Subaru too early in life.

I'm gonna miss her when she's gone.


The thing about boobs is, once you've seen one pair...

Sure we have!