So it's more than just a cartoon.
So it's more than just a cartoon.
Elective genital mutilation.
Maybe it depends on what type of work you do. I'm a white collar cubicle sweller, and in my office, meetings are where stuff really gets hammered out.
Yeah, maybe I just see the numbers as out of whack because I'm an "older people" and there's no way I'll still be around in 40 years. :-)
I save my music for when there's too much background noise in the office and I need to concentrate. That's when I break out the headphones, launch my Beatles .wpl and lose myself in my work for an hour.
No, it's flat out silly. It's one thing to ask yourself, before any purchase, "Do I really need this?" Maybe the moment it takes to consider the question helps you decide that the purchase really isn't worth it.
We used to have some people in my office who would refuse all meeting invites, thought they were all a waste of time.
I won't rehash the discussion I had 2 weeks ago, I'll just say that to me, calling someone by their name is the courtesy. And in all my years buying things, I can't recall any sales person reacting negatively, so either all sales people are great actors, or the premise that they don't like being called by their names…
Ok, yeah, I'm guilty of America-centrism. For a moment, I forgot there was a "rest of the world" out there. :-)
Honestly, if you don't know there are four quarts in a gallon, you should probably be left back a grade.
Honestly, if you don't know there are four quarts in a gallon, you should probably be left back a grade.
Sorry, I missed the message. Just couldn't get past those godawful blue eyeglass frames.
This is too much trouble. Glad I have my Keurig to take care of everything for me.
Don't blame the photographers, blame the millions of people who try to fill their empty lives with dreams about how rich and successful people spend theirs.
If a car had 100 tires, I'd agree. But given that there are usually only 4, I don't understand the overblown overreaction to the fact that the warning light doesn't tell you which tire is low.
I guess I'll count myself fortunate then. My job fits my personality perfectly. :-)
It spread out to the rest of the world.
Actually, "runny" = "undercooked"
If this is really your attitude, then the service industry is probably the wrong place for you.