
I get what you're saying, but I think the employee/customer relationship is not one of equals. We're not friends (yet), I'm coming to you for assistance. I need your help, and you're being paid to help me. You're wearing a name tag and I'm not. This relationship alters the rules regarding how we address each

Of course, nobody brings their own nametag from home to a job where a nametag is not required! :-)

I do not frequent coffee shops. But I do think making coffee is a dead end job, the kind of thing people end up doing after their career hopes and aspirations have died. But that wouldn't stop me from being courteous. I'm always courteous to the Dunkin Donuts guy, the gas station guy, the checkers at the grocery

Except for the bit about room 1212 in NYC, or room 1(area code) in any other city, there's not much to be learned from this.

Or maybe it's because they have to make coffee for a living.

So this really all boils down to, "I'm a passive-aggressive asshole."

What case? These are paid writers, they are not grade school children writing essays. AND as consumers, we have the right to expect a certain level of professionalism from them. AND that expected professionalism includes at least at attempt at proofreading. That's not professional, that's just laziness, not to

Yeah, just tell me how much money I can make on the internet.

Wow, memories, flooding back, can't control them!

1981 - Atari 2600.

I would hope you use civil language when doing so.

You say the airlines are trying to maximize profits??

You would hate sitting next to me on a plane. I'm the guy who asks you where you're headed. *HAR*HAR* And it only gets better/worse from there. :-)

Exactly. Overhearing half of a conversation is more distracting, and more annoying, than overhearing both sides of a conversation.

So, basically, he lied about this his entire life.

also an elephant's body might reject such a device, speeding up its 'output'.

Like zipper, scotch tape, band-aid and saran wrap, "iPhone" has basically become the generic term for smartphone.

Hey, I used to rock the piano key necktie.

Perhaps they meant to block twatpic.com?

when did gizmodo readers get like that??