
Yeah, I know you're just trying to be a smartass. Big difference between clicking a headline, reading the name of the writer immediately below the headline and moving on to the next article, and sifting through multiple spam, troll and flame posts that follow every article.

The byline is right at the top, under the headline. No scrolling required. :-)

If I'm carrying my key around with me anyway, why bother with a phone app?

And it's only going to get worse. As global warming continues to reduce the amount of mountain snow and cause the snow that does fall to melt earlier in the year, droughts in California will happen more frequently and last longer.

You could always just, I don't know, not read them?

Yes, that was precisely the reason I clicked in.


Ha! Reminds me of a very non-technical character from a TV show, who gets to Google by going to AltaVista and typing in "Please take me to Google."

Info like this only serves to reinforce to me how unlike the rest of the US I am. And I can't decide if that's good or bad.

What does it transcend?

Are they actually duplicating somebody's designs or is it just this outrageous style of decorating nails that's the art?

Credit they deserved? Why not give credit instead to the ancients who first realized they could color themselves with crushed berries?

I think you and I live in two diametrically opposed universes.

Why even humor these people? If I ever see a movie theater advertising a cell phone jammer, that will be my favorite theater for life.

Stolen? So the ghetto folks aren't painting their nails anymore?

Game of Thrones is so 2012!

I would suggest "American Gods", followed immediately by every single other thing that Gaiman has ever written.

So, when did they convert Spuds McKenzie from beer party dog to discount store dog?
