
Says right there in the article, "spans the length", so it's just a way of saying it's about 600 feet long. The average person may not have a good representation in their mind of what 600 feet looks like, but they probably have seen a football field.

I like the way they think.

Ever try talking to someone who believes, not only that a fetus is a human being, but that an embryo is a human being?

There's nothing wrong with prostitution.

Viet Cong?

Meh, spiders? Clearly you haven't met the right spider.

Who cares? Anything that results in more overall boob squeezing is a good thing, IMHO.

Please, this is America. By 13, they're already washed up.

Well, an artist's intent doesn't always jibe with the message people get from their art.

I see an oppressed woman from one of those backwards Middle Eastern nations who is only allowed to show part of her face.

The common idiom in American English is "hold down the fort." It is a slight corruption of the originally British English phrase "hold the fort." The original phrase is taken directly from the literal idea of holding a fort against an enemy, but by the time it had been transferred to American English, it was only as


"I feel fine." - Michael Stipe, 12/21/12

I like how the "football field" has become a standard ground area or distance reference point. This portrait spans the length of two football fields. When you look down to text while driving, you travel the length of three football fields. Stuff like that. I like it.

You found the joke within the joke. Nobody ever notices that. Nice job!!

I'm glad the little moron finally found a cause she can feel passionate about.

The more I read about the direction the post-IPO Facebook is heading, the more self-satisfied I am that I don't have anything to do with Facebook.

There was nothing wrong with this. He perpetrated a hoax, plain and simple. And considering how many people fell for it, it was clearly a successful one.

We need some kind of law preventing comedians from talking about comedy.

None for me thanks. Forehead is too big, and I'm too easily distracted.