
I always cringe a bit when I see a celebrity being so open about illegal drug use. Part of me figures, aren't they just setting themselves up for potential unwanted attention? Then another part of me says if I had Seth Rogan money, I'd probably do whatever the hell I want too, repercussions be damned.

< eyeroll > What's next, are you going to explain why the World Series is inappropriately named?

If only Apple made killer drones, he could have been #1.

Clirk the boomkark and BERM! I SHERL BER ERNLEHRTERNED!

Most of the world. Including everyone who's ever shopped at Walmart.

I meant it's hard to get behind recycling if you're convinced it won't make a tiny shred of difference. Especially if you consider what the original poster is saying. The fact that these tiny button fasteners are disposable is the absolute pinnacle of irrelevance when compared to the billions of tons of crap we

By your apparent definition of "irresponsible", I suppose so.

How dare a company try to make more money?! The nerve!!

Did you know you could throw out 1000 plastic bottles each and every day for the rest of your life, and you will have contributed less damage to the environment than a single Chinese factory does in one day. And China has millions of factories.

They don't have to. They know those glaciers used to be much much larger.

:-( My waggles don't lay eggs.

It's ok, anyone who's spent more than one day on Gizmodo is, at the very least, chuckling silently to themselves. :-)

I get it, it's just that I disagree with how Walmart treats their employees and where their political contributions go, so I choose to never spend any money there.

This would be stupid even if the backpack doesn't only protect about 10% of a child's body.

Nice video. History of the earth, perhaps, but not of the universe.

Just this.

For the two or three people left on earth who haven't seen this before:

If it was anyone else but Walmart.

Well. Can't argue with proof.

Vicki Vallencourt, FTW!