Aver heard about Randolph the brown-nosed reindeer?
Aver heard about Randolph the brown-nosed reindeer?
I had always just assumed Rudolph's nose was red because he's, you know, FICTITIOUS.
I don't know what the "best" one is, or if there even is a best, but I use RL Classic. It works perfectly and it's free.
A factory in China spits out more pollution in one day than I would by idling my car engine nonstop for a year. And there are millions of factories in China. With more being built every day. And that's just China.
Yes, and I for one am thankful that the Giz folks are willing to sort through the crapfest that is Reddit and bring us back the occasional nugget.
This is good news, for people who live in those areas.
Yeah, it's a reality TV show. People are drawn to reality TV shows the same way they're drawn to traffic accidents. Morbid curiosity is natural, not retarded, and certainly not a reason to commit suicide. (Or maybe you should take yourself out for watching the 3 Stooges movie?)
I can't see what you're referencing (filter at work blocks any URL with the word "youtube" in it.) but when I browsed through the comments for the "official" video a few days ago, all I saw was repetitive posts from a bunch of the same names, and all the posts text was just a counting up towards a billion, and a lot…
Can we please stop pretending "Gangnam Style" is the most watched youtube video?
I have no problem with this sentence. Let it serve as a warning to other asshole hackers that what they do is not ok.
Something about your post tells me you know way more about Honey Boo Boo than you're letting on.
Sriracha makes me weep uncontrollably while my face melts. I have no tolerance whatsoever for 'hot'.
The problem with that bluff is it cannot survive even the most basic of follow-ups.
After reading this, I think I'll pass on 48fps.
You display a persistent habit of stating opinions as though they were facts.
More like devolution. It seems like this is a chart showing all the logos in order from cool to awful. 2012 is an abomination.
Yeah! Fuck this site! You should show your disgust by leaving this site and never returning.
So basically, you're just another mindless drone, occupying your time the same way millions of other people do. You've just convinced yourself that your pursue entertainment of a higher quality. Sounds like a recipe for success. Keep on truckin.
Like I said, I love entertainment snobs.