
Speaking of Gawker, shouldn't you be over there spewing childish personal insults at everyone who doesn't think a few Australian DJs should get the death penalty for making a harmless prank call right about now?

Yeah, I guess the "and not for lack of trying." part flew right past you.

I'm with you. I don't think I've ever actually finished reading a Drew Magary article. and not for lack of trying.

Yay, recursion!!

I get that it's convenient, but the "all eggs in one basket" thing scares me. It would be bad enough to lose my phone, it would positively suck if when I lost my phone, I also lost my license, credit card and house key.

I slapped an Otterbox Defender on my iPhone 5 the instant it came out of the box. That was 2 months ago. I just opened it back up for the first time, this weekend. Except for a bit of dust, it was in 100% pristine condition.

Honest question, are you just trolling or do you actually believe the garbage you post?

Yeah, if it was a dude, he'd already be on the national sex offender registry.

I could watch a rotating hypercube for hours.

I wonder, if this were allowed to run long enough, would they eventually all synch up again?

My takeaway from this article; If you're hot, even crappy clothes look good on you.

When did Giz turn into Jez?

Not sure what it's called, but I know it was invented by Barney Coopersmith.

Woo-hoo! Jamón!!

A GOLD mine. Funny!


And I'd like to know what they consider the best monitor under $200.

Where I work, the app servers used to be named for planets. All well and good until after a problem, we got an announcement that they were attaching a sniffer to Uranus to check for bad packets. We never took the server support group seriously after that day.

Powerful video, but the music itself doesn't even compare.